DateBook – Dating WordPress Theme (Entertainment)

DateBook is the ideal theme for most dating website startups.
This dating agency theme is fully customisable, easy to use and SEO friendly. It comes pre-packaged with ready to use Profile fields.

The DateBook platform allows members to create personal profiles that highlight and represent the things about themselves that they wish for others to see within the website.

This theme allows you to get revenue by setting several paid subscriptions.

Key Features:

  • 100% Fully Responsive
  • Paid Subscriptions
  • Private Chat Messaging
  • Online Status Display
  • Favorites List
  • Black List
  • Widget Ready
  • Retina Ready
  • Multilingual
  • SEO Friendly
  • Easy Install
  • 100% Open Source Code

Optimized for Mobile Devices

DateBook theme is fully responsive and looks stunning on any device.

100% Responsive

Responsive design is a must have for any serious online business.
It provides your visitors with a better viewing experience and better for your search engine rankings too!

Retina Ready

All images are Retina Ready. It means that images will be shown in high quality in Retina display devices

Online Status Indicator

Website visitors can easily see which users are online and which are not with built in online status indicator.

Private Chat messaging

This theme comes with a built in private messaging for your members to chat in real time.

Listing Enhancements

Members can enhance their Profiles with new features such as Featured or Top Ad profile. Each enhancement you can charge extra $$$ for making it a great revenue resource.

Photos Uploads

Our Dating Theme allows your members to upload their photos with ease. The upload process is clean and simple making it easy for users to add Profiles.


  • Featured profile
  • Related profile by city
  • Related profile by country
  • Classifieds
  • Tours
  • Register / Login
  • Comments
  • Subscriptions (Upgrade)
  • Latest posts
  • Categories

Demo access to Administration Dashboard


This theme uses assets free for personal and commercial use.


Images and Icons


Version 2.0 (30 January 2018):

- Fixed: New messages were set as read when administrator read them on behalf of user. 
- Changed: time in chat window now displays hours and minutes of sent message. 
- Changed: sessions removed from chat. Chat sessions are saved by user id. 
- Fixed: text field in profile (frontend) rendered wrongly. 
- Added: Checking for expiration of Top, Featured and VIP statuses. 
- Added: default WordPress password change notification can be stopped. 
- Moved: all DateBook pages (Home, Profile, Classifieds and etc) moved from theme to plugin folder. 
- Moved: Background image in the header moved from theme to plugin folder. 
- Added: Full width page without sidebar (page-full-width.php). 
- Removed: header-message.php and footer-message.php files removed in theme folder. 
- Added: Search form on front page can be placed on left or right side. 
- Added: Sidebar position for each page/post can be controled on Edit page/post. 
- Fixed: Permalink slugs for Profile, Classified, and Tour can be custom. 
- Added: Character limit added to Custom profiles fields. 
- Added: Design and Style control added to theme options (datebook-custom-style.css added). 
- Added: Character limit added in custom fields. 
- Fixed: in some cases Online indicator did not appear when user was online. 
- Fixed: Classifieds and Tours permalink structure. 
- Fixed: Pagination for Classifieds and Tours pages did not work correctly. 
- Fixed: New message notification was recieved even if Sender was on Blacklist. 
- Fixed: Some phrases left untranslated. 
- Updated: datebook.pot files updated. 

Version 1.9 (11 December 2017):

- Changed: now the theme can run as One country. 
- Changed: now cities can belong to directly a country (without regions): Country -> Region (optional) -> City. 
- Fixed: Theme Options tabs were hidden because of javascript conflict with third-party plugins. 
- Fixed: Footer copyright text did not display. 
- Fixed: About me section was displayed even if it was switched off. 
- Deleted: sidebar-edit.php file is deleted. Edit sidebar is integrated directly in Profile pages. 
- Rewritten: Based on payment period a single or plural period title is generated: 1 month, 2 months. 
- Fixed: Now only city is required in Register and Tour form. Based on city the theme detects country. 
- Fixed: Unpaid tours were displayed even if price for tour was set. 
- Moved: Pagination part in blog moved to template folder in the Theme. 
- Added: different Price formats added: $2 000; $2 000.00; $2,000; $2,000.000; $2.000.00 and so on. 
- Translation: Months, weekdays and some words do not have translation. 
- Fixed: small bugs and improvements. 

Version 1.8.1 (30 November 2017):

- Fixed: Cookies function prevented user to login. 
- Fixed: Function Hide the WordPress Admin Login Page did not allow to enter WordPress Admin Dashboard. 

Version 1.8 (30 November 2017):

- Fixed: in Profile messages, list of contacts showed wrongly for administrator. 
- Fixed: title in widget-login-register.php and widget-featured-profile.php files defined incorrectly. 
- Changed: the badge in Profile messages page changed its style from badge to badge-default. 
- Fixed: tabs in Theme Options were hidden because of javascript conflict with other plugins js. 
- Fixed: Logout function did not logout. 
- Added: Latest Profiles widget added. 
- Added: Latest Profiles (Images only) widget added. 
- Returned: post meta "profile_photo_id" was previously removed but now it has been returned. 
- Changed: Chat window now has become one common for all chats and opens as Popup window (not full size). 
- Changed: messages in Chat can be sent by pressing Enter on keyboard. 
- Changed: name in Registration form is now mondatory. 
- Changed: Countries popup window in Search and Registration forms now opens in center of screen and responsive in mobile devices. 
- Added: list of all currencies added. 
- Fixed: during registration, the date of birth and gender were not remembered if the registration failed. 
- Added: different Price formats added. Variants: $200, $200 USD, $200 dollars, 200 dollars, USD $200 and etc. 
- Fixed: in Theme Options, after deleting country all relating regions and cities were left. 
- Fixed: Add country/region/city form devided and fixed in Admin panel. 
- Removed: telephone and email fields have been completely removed from Classifieds. 
- Changed: if user did not fill in any custom fields then the notification with an "Document edit" icon is shown. 
- Added: elements on profile on Search page can be hidden. 
- Added: Responsivness on Search page can be set for different mobile devices. 
- Fixed: filter wp_title did not worked correctly.
- Removed: Phone removed from Tours. 
- Fixed: The function replacing words in places "Was here xx minutes ago" worked incorrectly. 
- Optimized: function retrieving cities in Profile, Search, Tours is optimized. 

Version 1.7 (15 November 2017):

- Fixed: Profile Edit page did not save a user entered data because of Travel field (in class-datebook-profile-edit.php file). 
- Added: All world currencies added to the list in Theme Options (Admin Dashboard). 
- Fixed: All tabs in the Theme Options were hidden. 
- Fixed: Login form could be accessed even after user logged in. 
- Fixed: If Search form is not ready for use then it shows notification (if genders and countries are not set yet). 
- Fixed: if profiles pages (my edit, my messages, my settings, my favourites and etc) are not ready for use then they redirect user to home page. 
- Fixed: Registration/My settings page was access even if it is not ready for use. 
- CSS: The submenu of the Primary menu (top right) looked broken. 

Version 1.6 (08 November 2017):

- Changed: Online time function was improved/changed for specific languages. 
- New: Profile Custom form added to Profile Edit page. 
- New: Custom Fields form added. Now administrator can create any quantity of different fields. 
- Added: 244 countries and 22 951 cities are added. 
- Removed: WordPress custom taxonomy (Location) removed completely. 
- Moved: Countries and cities are moved to custom database table (MySQL). 
- Changed: Almost all data of profile are now saved as one query in database. 
- Added: List of genders and sexual orientations added. 
- Added: Translation added to some fields in Theme Options (Welcome text, Company details). 
- Added: Member must register with Email or/and Username control added. 
- Added: Quantity of registered members in header menu can be hidden. 
- Added: Default image on Single profile page can be shown on the left or right side. 
- Added: Quantity of columns on Profiles Search page can be set to 2 or 3 columns. 
- Added: Statistics and additional info at the bottom of Profile now can be hidden. 
- Added: Title added to input for Date of Birth and Gender on registration form. 
- Added: Profile info on Search page can be hidden and shown with mouse over. 
- Added: Archive page (archive.php) added to the theme folder. 
- Moved: Messages label in header menu moved to left. 
- Changed: Member can login with Email or/and Username control added. 
- Changed: Forever and 2 years periods removed in Subscription plans. Periods 2-6 days added. 
- CSS: Badges Top, New etc on Search page more clasped to edge and changed border-radius to zero. 
- Redesign: Theme Options panel a little redesigned. 
- Redesign: Profile Edit page was a little re-designed. 
- Moved: Theme Installer moved from Appearance menu to DateBook Options submenu. 
- Updated: Documentation to the theme updated. 
- Fixed: After adding a tour the form showed empty fields. Now redirect to tours page.
- Fixed: Other image dimensions except jpg did not upload. 
- Fixed: Children images did not show on profile page at first load. 
- Fixed: Date of Birth and Gender did not update even if it was allowed to edit. 
- Fixed: Username required info even if it existed in database. 
- Fixed: Submitted profiles without required data were accidentally shown on the website. 
- Fixed: small bugs

Version 1.5 (11 October 2017):

- CSS: break-word rule added to CSS to prevent long words
- Fixed: bugs in contact form (plugin/datebook/templates/profile-contact-form.php) 
- Fixed: wrong condition set in the function datebook_check_online_status() 
- Moved: all variables moved to a new file /definitions/datebook-variables.php 
- Fixed: cities parsing error in the Search form occurred 
- Added: Show with images option added to Featured, Top and Normal profile on front page 
- Changes: The number of profiles to display on the first page is now a fixed amount

Version 1.4 (06 October 2017):

- Added: Sidebar can be shown on the left or right side 
- Moved: some filters moved from theme_function.php to theme_actions_and_filters.php file 
- Fixed: Url of the Write a message button on Profile generated wrong ID 
- Removed: unused shortcodes have been removed 
- Added: Idle time of user inactivity control added to Admin Dashboard 
- Added: action hook added to help Administrator detect the user ID of Profile 
- Added: language locale added to menus. Now menus are multilingual 
- Fixed: payment option on profile upgrade and tour pages showed incorrectly 
- Fixed: some words (variables) did not translate when switching to another language 
- Updated: language files in plugin and theme folders updated 
- Fixed: some small bugs 

Version 1.3 (28 September 2017):

- CSS fixed: Featured profiles did not show image background
- Improved: Profile Image upload function
- Improved: Real Status image upload function
- Changed: Image upload function moved to DateBook Utilities class
- Added: Online idle time control added to Admin dashboard 
- Added: the NEW label control added to Admin dashboard
- Added: restrict to administrator area control added to Admin dashboard 
- Fixed: Reset password email and link generated wrong 
- Added: Some parts of the theme are now controlled whether to show to only logged in users
- Added: Now every uploaded image has post meta "photo_type" 
- Redesign: Administrator Dashboard redesigned and moved above profile
- Added: Favicon control added to WordPress customizer

Version 1.2.1 (22 September 2017):

- Fixed: translation function did not detect cookies
- Fixed: date of birth field errors in Registration page

Version 1.2 (21 September 2017):

- Optimized: image upload function 
- Optimized: default profile image retrive function 
- Added: Max allowed amount of images control added to Admin panel 
- Added: Allowed max. image size control added to Admin panel 
- Added: Allowed image extensions control added to Admin panel 
- Added: Max. image dimensions control added to Admin panel 
- Fixed: thumbnails showed blank images in Media Gallery after upload in Profile 
- Fixed: Pagination on Profiles Search page showed wrong amount of pages
- Added: image notification popups on My Photos page

Version 1.1 (17 September 2017):

- Added: Single Tour sidebar added
- Added: Single Classified sidebar added
- Fixed: Classified ad submition time showed incorrectly
- Improved: preferred age period on Profile page now unites two closest age periods
- Added: title in the New label on the Search page
- Improved: some html elements moved out from js file to Search form file.
- Improved: default profile image retrieve function
- Fixed: image delete function did not delete all images.
- Fixed: after deleting default profile image a new one was not set by default.
- Fixed: some profile images uploaded to wrong folder
- Improved: image upload function

Version 1.0 (11 September 2017):

Initial release

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